if you're reading this, you're at the old version of the blue monk page- the new improved site is at http://thebluemonkpage.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 22, 2006

hello and goodbye...

I know I've not updated in ages; there are quite a few reasons, all of which have been corrected, except for the mess I've made of the HTML. As much as I try, I can't seem to get it back in place enough to make the page enjoyable. Rather than waste more valuable writing time trying to fix it, I've decided to go ahead and just start a new one, one with a URL that makes sense. So for the six or seven people who make up my readership, please follow me to the newest home of The Blue Monk. You can enter here:

The Blue Monk Page

I hope this change does not cause any discomfort or confusion.
Thanks, Jason M Cutler


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